Tuesday, May 08, 2007

MTT Seventh Heaven

Been staying way from the cash tables these last few nights. Can't take the variance at the moment, and seem to be getting better returns from the SNG's. Was scanning over the PKR tournies and found a 5$, 750$ added MTT with only 200 or so registered (254 at the start) so decided to have a go.

Top 30 paid and I played the tight conservative game that I should have been playing on Sunday night at the blogger game. Very few premium hands came my way over the next 4 hours, AA the only high pair I had, and got them on 2 occasions. Both times fell at a perfect time for me, with a few people in the pot pre flop already, my raise scaring all but 2 away, and the Aces held up for 2 big pots.

The big difference was my premium non paired hands, AK & AQ, wich stood up against weaker hands and pocket pairs every time bar one when into a confrontation. At the end, I was in 4th place in the last 7 when I got AQ and pushed from late position with 2 previous callers limping in (blinds were 6k at this point). Unfortunately for me, the BB had AK and called to leave me with enough for 1 small blind. Dealt K4 and for a brief moment of seing a flop of K 4 x, I thought I may scrape another postion. Alas, one player had JJ and it was checked to the river when another J fell, and out I went in 7th and a 44$ payout.
Happy with this, especially as I was so knackered after 2 nights of disjointed sleep. Mia has a temperature and has been up a few times in the night, which means we get up a few times in the night too. Got home from work tonight and she was red-cheeked and very lethargic, even sat and cuddled up on my knee for 45 mins, which for her is the longest I have ever seen her awake and still! She was so tired looking so hopefully the Calpol will kick in and help her get a good nights sleep, which is probably what she needs the most.
Finally, congrats to Richard for winning the Blogger tourny, beating Acorn into 2nd place for his 2nd win. I had incorrectly blogged there would be a new winner as all previous one's were out, but must have missed his name. Apologies sir. Acorn was my pre-tourny tip to win, and think it will be a matter of time before he grabs the first place.
OK, enough from me, got some work to do and maybe a few SNG's. Good luck all.


At 7:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good effort mate! Unlucky to push AQ into AK and to flop 2 pair only to lose to rivered trips... sooo close yet so far......

Keep Smiling


At 7:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good effort mate! Unlucky to push AQ into AK and to flop 2 pair only to lose to rivered trips... sooo close yet so far......

Keep Smiling


At 7:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry mate, didn't mean to post that twice.

At 8:58 AM, Blogger MiasDaddy said...

thought there was an echo......

At 12:56 PM, Blogger Nick said...

Good work Mark.
Is Pkr any good - I played on it at the testing stage, but found it a bit slow - is it worth going back to??

(hope the Calpol worked - amazing stuff, and the only medicine Abbie will actually take - she has actually said she's not very well just to have some Calpol)


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