Thursday, March 29, 2007

Lucky Tilt

Boy was I lucky last night. I was on lucky tilt - ever been there? You make stupid calls coz your tilting, but you hit great flops?

I was finally getting back into the swing of playing again, and ran into a series of bad beats. I got so unlucky and all the signs of me going on tilt where there to see (except to me, of course).
I was really angry that my cards could lose (how dare they!).

Calling any raise with anything. I really wanted my chips back. I really wanted to get that bloke back for hitting such ridiculously lucky cards.

Firstly, I flop an open ended str8 flush draw. Player 1 bets 5$, I call. Turn nothing, Player 1 bets 10$, I call (yes, I'm cringing now, but it seem so right at the time).
River nothing, but player 1 checks, I push all in and after the longest time ever - he folds, typing in Top Pair Top kicker. I show my bluff and he tells me I'm an idiot. I couldn't argue.

Then I call a raise of 5 x bb, I'm the BB with 9c 7c, 2 other callers plus the intial raiser already in the pot - I think 4 x bb (1 x bb in already) gave me good pot odds. (I had 9 7 for christ sake, what was I thinking!).
We see a 9 high flop. I check. Raiser bets 4 x bb - both call, so do I.
Turn is a 7. I check. Raiser bets about 10$. 1 caller, 1 folder and then I raise to 20$. Both call.
Uh Oh, am i up agaisnt str8 or trips - never even crossed my mind.
Can't remember what the river was, but I pushed all in for my remaining 40$ or so. Both call.
One turns over KK, one turns over QQ. I do the hula round the living room.
The players were giving me some stick.

I shut down the laptop knowing if I carry on playing, I will lose it all just as quickly. I know I got as ridiculously lucky as my opponents had a few hands earlier.

Funny old game.


At 3:33 PM, Blogger Nick said...

Lucky tilt is great!!
Why doesn't it happen as much as bad tilt???
I'd be on tilt all the time if it did :-)

At 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is Awesome! The fact that you showed the bluff makes it twice as beautiful!!!!!!!! The 9 7 were SOOOOOOOOOTED and so easily justify your play ;-). I hope it carries on for you sir!!

Easy Money!



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