My mood is high after a great night on the tales last night, adding 110$ to my BR. Mainly thanks to 2 wins in 10$ SNG's and my 10's beating Jacks on a lucky river.
But this is very funny.
Not the electronic type, I promise.
Well Done to Dudley, aka Resident Evil (just two of his many guises!) for taking down the latest Blogger Tourny, he did say in the chat that if he won, he would start a blog, so let's see if he is a man of his word! Mr Cloud managed 2nd place (for the 2nd time if memory serves me), so unlucky and well played at the same time! The walk of shame went to Juice, closely followed by the Milkman, Tan earned probably as much in bounty than he would have done if he won the thing, for taking these two out!
Anways, off to bed, have the monthly senior management meeting in the morning, and I've not even written my notes yet!